Dear friends,
The first Sunday of May is that day when we have the perfect excuse to show them, our mothers, how special they are.
Today we want to be with them, to thank all mothers for their work. From the Diddo team we want to convey to all mothers our affection. They are the ones who inspire us, the ones who guide us...
Ellas nos enseñan, nos sirven de ejemplo, nos dan su cariño incondicional, son las que SIEMPRE van a estar ahí.
There is nothing that can make us more excited than thinking that our garments will be inherited. That they pass from mother to daughter, being part of their history, and so we with them.
As you know, one of our most iconic garments, the SOLE shirt, is a tribute to my mother, and every time you wear it, I feel proud to be giving her a gift.
Thanks for reading us!